How To Lift Your Mood Without Medication

Trevor Dumbleton
3 min readApr 29, 2020


We all get in a bad mood from time to time. But when that’s close to becoming our normal mood it’s definitely time to do something about it.

Ideally without using medication or any artificial stimulants (legal or less legal).

Stop your moodiness

Start by exercising more. Even if it’s only walking round the block or taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

Regular exercise is good in lots of ways. Apart from keeping you a bit fitter, it also releases our body’s own feel good hormones which means you’ll feel happier (as well as maybe slightly more tired) after you’ve done some exercise.

Work out ways to incorporate exercise in your daily routine. You don’t have to join a gym and you don’t have to spend lots of time exercising if you decide to use high-intensity interval training (search for HIIT) which gets all the benefits of a normal gym routine but is over and done with in minutes.

Looking up rather than down is another easy way to lift your mood. It’s difficult (borderline impossible) to keep an unhappy face and mood when you’re looking up. If it’s somewhere that you won’t get odd looks, thrust your arms above your head and yell out “Yes! Yes! Yes!” as well. That’s near enough guaranteed to get you in a much better mood in seconds.

Laughing more often works well. Moodiness can often be a result of negativity in your life and laughter is an excellent antidote for negativity. Watch something on YouTube or a comedy channel to lift your spirits. Or download a jokes app for your phone. Whatever you can do to make yourself laugh more often.

Improving your diet is also a good idea — not just for your mood but your health as well. Comfort food may seem comforting at the time of eating but there’s almost always a trade off in terms of your mood (short term down swings) and

your waistline (longer term effects). So do your best to wean yourself off comfort food and also to improve your diet by including healthier foods more often.

While we’re on the subject of food, check your regular caffeine dosage. It’s probably higher than you’d care to admit. Caffeine gives you that instant hit but it also negatively affects your mood. If you decide cutting down is a good idea (and it is) then reduce the strength and quantity gradually — I’d suggest a couple of weeks or so but if you notice headaches then you’re going too fast.

Too much alcohol is another contributor to bad moods. Sometimes when you’re drinking and sometimes the morning after. Like caffeine, cut alcohol down gradually.

Another option is to use hypnosis. This works well alongside the other ideas here as it works with your mind to help you turn your moodiness around.

It’s easy to do — just play yourself a hypnosis audio and let the words in the audio turn down those nasty moods.

If that sounds like a plan, click this link for an excellent track you can download immediately.

Note: This article contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links and purchase, I’ll receive a small commission but it doesn’t affect the advice I’ve given.

