How to Meditate to Fall Asleep Fast

Trevor Dumbleton
2 min readMar 16, 2021


Falling asleep isn’t something we consciously do — it just happens. One minute, you’re awake, the next minute you’re not.

Sometimes there’s a half-way house where you’re aware that you’re still kind-of awake but things are getting hazier and you’re in the twilight zone between being awake and asleep.

The biggest problem with falling asleep (slowly or quickly) is that the more we think about it, the more our mind tends to buzz and that’s self defeating.

Quitening our minds isn’t like switching a light off. It’s closer to stopping a supertanker — it takes time.

One way to help yourself get to sleep faster is meditation.

Meditating helps your mind to slow down which, in turn, can help you drift off to sleep.

There are various ways to meditate — the traditional ways where you set your focus on an object or repeat a mantra over and over again.

The problem with those is that you’re likely to have the lights off when you’re trying to sleep, so focusing on something isn’t easy. And the effort of repeating a mantra, even one designed to help you get into a meditative state, can keep you awake.

Certainly that’s what I found when I tried using those methods to get myself to sleep fast.

The solution I found has worked for me for a number of years: I play a meditation track at a fairly low volume and let the binaural sounds that are used in the track entrain my brainwaves to lower speed.

I find the music on the track relaxing — other people I know prefer the white noise version and other people like to use the sounds of nature.

Often I’m fast asleep before the track ends but sometimes it’s a few minutes after the track finishes.

Either way, I find it an easy way to quiet my mind and fall asleep fast.

If you’d like to do the same, check out the meditation track that I use and find out for yourself.

