How to Write a Manifestation List

Trevor Dumbleton
3 min readJun 10, 2020


Writing a manifestation list is a good way to clarify your thoughts and decide what you truly want in your life.

There’s a fine line between writing a list that can be accomplished and one that’s closer to a bucket list but providing you take the time it is a relatively easy task.

Start by blocking out some time to write your list. Make this a day or two’s time and set the intention that your mind will be clear about what it wants to manifest. The intention can be as simple as stating (preferably out loud) that you want to be as clear as possible about what you want to manifest in time for your writing session on your chosen date.

manifesting your dreams

Put the date in your diary so you’ll remember it. And even though it’s a date with yourself, it’s important that you keep it. Otherwise you’re sending the wrong signals to your subconscious mind.

When the time comes, get a pen and paper. You can type the list up later but the physical connection with your list is greater if you actually write it.

Then set down each item you want to manifest.

Make each item as specific as possible. For instance, if you want to manifest a new car then include the model, the colour, the specification and so on. Do the same for any other item on your list — the more specific you are, the better the universe can deliver it to you.

Write your list in the present tense if at all possible. So you’d write that you actually have the car (or whatever else it is you’re manifesting) and include things like the new car smell, how full the tank is when you collect the car and so on.

If writing in the present tense is too much of a stretch — and it can be for larger projects — then use phrases such as “I allow myself” so that the universe knows you’re open to the idea happening to you.

And, ideally, include the words “at least” in your description so that you’re allowing yourself to have something even better than your (hopefully already wild) dreams appear in your life.

Don’t restrict yourself.

It’s easy to look around and think “no chance” when you’re writing a request for a large item to be manifested. If need be, go into day dream mode and just let your mind explore possibilities without limits.

When you’ve finished, feel free to type up your list and tidy up things. This is best done a day or so after the initial writing so that you can look at it in a more detached manner.

And refer back to your list on a regular basis, to keep your subconscious and the universe aware that it still exists.

If you’d like more help writing a manifestation list, check out another of my articles about manifesting your dreams here.

